Bouquet: You shall know the Spirit of truth, because He will dwell with you,
and be in you. St. John 14:17
Virgin and Martyr
(†ca. 300)
Saint Christina was the daughter of a rich and powerful magistrate named Urban. Her father, who was deep in the practices of paganism, had a number of golden idols. His young daughter broke them, then distributed the pieces among the poor. Infuriated by this act, Urban became the persecutor of his own daughter. He had her whipped with rods and thrown into a dungeon. Christina remained unshaken in her faith. Her tormentor brought her forth to have her body torn by iron hooks, then fastened to a rack beneath which a fire was kindled. But God watched over His servant and turned the flames back toward the onlookers, several of whom perished.
The torments to which this young girl was subjected would seem as difficult to devise as to imagine; but God was beside her at all times. After a heavy stone was attached to her neck, Saint Christina was thrown into the lake of Bolsena, but was rescued by an Angel and seen wearing a stole and walking on the water, accompanied by several Angels. Her father, hearing she was still alive, died suddenly amid atrocious sufferings. A new judge succeeded him, a cruel pagan experienced in persecuting the Christians. He tried to win her by reminding her of her nobility, suggesting she was in serious error. Her reply infuriated him: “Christ, whom you despise, will tear me out of your hands!” Then Saint Christina suffered the most inhuman torments. The second judge also was struck down by divine justice. A third one named Julian, succeeded him. “Magician!” he cried, “adore the gods, or I will put you to death!” She survived a raging furnace, after remaining in it for five days. Serpents and vipers thrown into her prison did not touch her, but killed the magician who had brought them there. She sent them away in the name of Christ, after restoring the unfortunate magician to life; he was converted and thanked the God of Christina and the Saint. Then her tongue was cut out.
The Saint prayed to be allowed to finish her course. When she was pierced with arrows, she gained the martyr’s crown at Tyro, a city which formerly stood on an island in the lake of Bolsena in Italy, but has since been swallowed up by the waters. Her relics are now at Palermo in Sicily. Her tomb was discovered in the 19th century at Bolsena, marked with an inscription dating from the 10th century.
Source: Les Petits Bollandistes: Vies des Saints, by Msgr. Paul Guérin (Bloud et Barral: Paris, 1882), Vol. 9.
I was struck with the life of this little girl who suffered much to defend her faith. Never I thought before, that I'll be seeing such Holy places like this of Bolsena!!... a great privilege that many people wish to have. thanks God, thanks St. Christine! I pray that I may have the same courage with that of St. Christine. I pray that I may live my life to the fullness of its purpose, thanks for your inspiration... dear St. Christine! Pray for me and for all whom in need of your prayers. To God be the glory, for ever and ever. Amen
My first visit in Bolsena was one of a kind, a memorable one!
When I say memorable, it actually doesn't have to be the best experience. The reason why I say this is because....well let me just share my story.
My husband and I were on our way to Bolsena for a short summer vacation, way back July of 2010. We were running like 2 hours behind schedule and had only some cookies and a bottle of mineral water with us. We were on our way to reach the city before 5 to find any B&B or if not a good campsite to put our tent. Anyway, when we got to Montefiascone about maybe 40 minutes before the city of Bolsena we lost our way. We kept on asking the correct direction. A bit late, so we decided to pick up the speed to catch up on a little time. Finally we arrived though a little dark but was able to manage the tent and rested well in the night. For two long days we enjoyed swimming at the lake and forgot to visit the whole city. Bad mistake! we missed a lot of things... like visiting the Basilica of St. Christine, the famous castle, wine tasting etc.. After 3 days, we're ready to return in Rome. But since I was curious about what's in the city of Bolsena, I convince my husband to drop me at the Basilica. Fortunately, I was able to pray and visit the catacomb of St. Christine and so with the Miraculous Altar where the miracle of Transubstantiation happened according to Tradition. We were able to visit also the old castle with its narrow passage.
Tired but satisfied with our trip... then, I softly said to myself, " I'll be back in this place".. Truly, we visited again and again this place. And still longing to be back again and to have another one more memorable experience in this city called, " The City of Miracles".
Here are some of our photos: